Saturday, April 30, 2011

Paris Open Air Market

Our first day in Paris

What a wonderful day. We began our morning with breakfast in the apartment; fresh bread, local olives, cheese, strong coffee-all things Parisian. Then it was off to the local market about 10 blocks from the apartment. The four of us trudged off with Stu keeping pace most of the time. Poor guy, his knee is giving him lots of problems, but he trudges along anyway. The outdoor market was lively, smelled marvelous with its fresh flowers, fish and shell fish, hundreds of cheeses, straw berries that were red and sweet throughout. We bought bread and quiche, tarte d’apricot, croissants au chocolate, cheese, fresh rillette (duck pate from the country), fresh vegetables and fruits.

Prices here are very high. We wondered how the average Parisian can manage. An American ex-pat couple we met (there are many of them here) said that the young people live with their parents, share very small apartments (less than 100 square meters or 300 square feet), or live in the suburbs. They all seem to be very thin and it’s no wonder. They walk everywhere as the cars are expensive, many Parisians do not own a car, gasoline is costly, parking is worse than in Jerusalem, and food is very pricey.

We brought our goods, including a roasted chicken, home from the market and prepared our lunch. We are eating very well and haven’t yet missed having a waiter and menu with room service, like on the cruise ship.

After lunch the boys napped and Shirley and I went window shopping. French sizes are small so we didn’t buy anything since our sizes have gone up over the last two weeks. Then it was off to les Invalides to see Napolean’s tomb, the beautiful park, and the Army museum. We are walking everywhere on the narrow streets and the wide boulevards. The weather has been lovely so the sidewalk cafes are full. Parisians eat dinner late, about 9 or 9:30, and spend a two hour lunch in casual conversation. It’s lovely to watch the locals and the tourists, hear the languages from around the world.

We are very privileged to be here and have this opportunity to visit France. Wishing you could all join us. With much love and best wishes to you all.

Stu and Adrienne

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